Truck & Tractor Pull Enthusiasts Guide

North Shore Towing & Semi Truck Heavy Wrecker provides a multitude of different types of towing service

Tractor Pulling was introduced to the public in 1969 at the 4th Annual National Farm Machinery Show. Tractor pulling has a wide fan base and the National Tractor Pullers Association sponsors competitions for all age groups and tractor classes. The goal of the tractor pull is to showcase the amount of weight that a single tractor can move without damaging for breaking the machine. Weight is placed on a sled or platform that is hooked to the tractor. The driver then needs to move pull the weight down a track to the finish line. Tractor pulling has gained followings all over the world, including the U.S. Australia, and Europe. Check out the following links for organizations across the U.S., competitions, forums, and coverage of past tractor pulls.


Associations and Clubs

Forums and Discussion Boards


Photo by Digidave: Flickr

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We’ve completed 1,000,000 plus towing service jobs since the company started in 1979. We’re proud of who we are, what we’ve done, where we’ve been, and where we’re going. Hard work, dedication, passion, and a commitment to customer service is what this company was built on and the reason we continue to grow.

(847) 864-2828